Global Warming Polar Bear Rug

Global Warming Polar Bear Rug
Global Warming Polar Bear Rug

Nanimarquina, the Spanish textiles company recently launched this global warming rug for the Valencia International Furniture Fair. The striking design created by the Mexican collective NEL depicts a polar bear stranded on an ice floe in the vast expanse of the Arctic sea. Polar bears as we know are at risk for global warming will melt much of the sea ice they need to get to their hunting areas.

Global  Warming Polar Bear Rug

The NEL collective consists of designers Ricardo Casas, Alejandro Castro, Héctor Esrawe, Emiliano Godoy and Cecilia León de la Barra who focus on innovative and thoughtful designs. Rugs have long been used as a cultural record so their polar bear rug sends an important message for our time. Their polar bear rug definitely fits perfectly with Nanimarquina’s new catalogue theme, global warming.