Painted Linoleum Floors

Painted Linoleum Floors
Painted Linoleum Floors

If you're someone who loves to go barefoot around the house, think about adding linoleum to your kitchen floors. There are a number of reasons, but in a nutshell, linoleum is warmer on bare feet, easier on ankle and knee joints than tile, comes in a huge variety of patterns and colors, is cost-effective, water-tolerant, and is a natural product.

Painted Linoleum Floors

Vinyl flooring originated and is an improvement on Linoleum. Linoleum was made from recyclable materials such as solidified and compressed linseed oil, cork dust which is ground, wooden flour or dust in combination with minerals such as calcium carbonate and fixed upon canvas or burlap base.

Painted Linoleum Floors

Painted Linoleum Floors

Painted Linoleum Floors

Painted Linoleum Floors

Painted Linoleum Floors

Painted Linoleum Floors
Painted Linoleum Floors