Wood Flooring Types
Advantages using wood floor is cool when hot, warm when cold, beautiful, comfortable and hygienic, wood floors also have many colors and styles to suit the desired interior, no odor, no dust and easy to clean easily, and easily repaired or replaced.

There are more than 50 species used in the production of wood flooring. Each type of metal used will affect the color, price and durability of hardwood floors. Solid wood flooring is one of the main and widely used. Type of wood floor has three types with respective 3-8 with one inch thick board and are usually cut into long pieces. Type of strip is somewhat similar to the board but the only difference is that it is narrow. Parquet floor is the last type of solid and includes pieces that create a geometric design on the floor repeatedly. You'll find all kinds of finished or unfinished solid.

Acrylic impregnated flooring is perfect for commercial as well as high traffic areas because this type is scratch resistant, durable and powerful than all other types. These floors are produced using acrylic material that seals and color the wood. The excellent features of this type of flooring have made it popular among people who are aiming to invest in flooring options for official or commercial uses. As more people visit the commercial areas, there are higher chances of damage to the floors but this type has proved to be the ideal one due to their durability.

Wood Flooring Types