Flooring Nailer Manual
Whether you're handy around the house or are considered to be a professional by all accounts, the right framing nailer is an imperative tool that can be one of the crux tools to your success. They come in lightweight versions to make it more comfortable and easy to wield, which means that everyone can use them.
Your choice of magazine on your nailer can be the determining factor when it comes to how tightly you can get into corners. You can opt for the longer, full nail head magazine, the clipped head magazine, and the coil magazine for loading nails. While the full head nails make a nicer impression on the wood surface, its size is often the detraction for many consumers. Easy to use coil magazines might be able to get you into smaller spaces but are less popular. Finding the nails to load the magazine with can be difficult. The full head takes up the most space while the coiled magazine can get your framing nailer into tighter spaces.
Flooring Nailer Manual